2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'uk used cars for sale'|...and the quiz) and slept in my car for an hour, then woke up and... outta control. - This morning, I used the carpool lane to pass a slow bus. I...

About 'uk used cars for sale'|...and the quiz) and slept in my car for an hour, then woke up and... outta control. - This morning, I used the carpool lane to pass a slow bus. I...

Getting               around               the               Nation's               Capital               is               easy               as               can               be               when               you               take               Washington               DC's               subway               jewel,               the               Metrorail,               its               very               own,               squeaky               clean               and               super               efficient               rapid               transit               system.

Yes,               indeed,               Metrorail               cars               wind               their               way               through               four               city               quadrants               each               day,               these               Red,               Orange,               Blue,               Green               and               Yellow               lines               of               fun,               and               into               suburbia               with               a               flourish.

For               sure,               Metrorail               is               an               underground               marvel,               moving               people               to               and               fro,               and               across               the               National               Capital               region.

But,               what               you               may               not               know               is               how               the               Metrorail               came               to               be               and               how               it               evolved               to               become               the               world-class               transit               system               it               is               today.

History               of               Metrorail,               DC's               Subway               System
               In               1965,               US               President               Lyndon               B.

Johnson               advocated               for               and               signed               legislation               to               authorize               a               $431               million               rapid               transit               system               in               the               Nation's               Capital.

Then,               it               was               envisioned               that               the               system               would               include               25               miles               of               track,               capable               of               expanding               as               needed.

A               year               later,               President               Johnson               signed               a               related               bill               that               established               the               Washington               Metropolitan               Area               Transit               Authority               (WMATA).
               WMATA,               a               tri-government               entity,               is               responsible               for               transportation               and               transit               planning               throughout               the               Washington,               DC               metro               area,               bringing               together               officials               and               consumers               from               Maryland,               Virginia               and               the               District               of               Columbia.

WMATA               had               a               tall               order               for               the               region               from               the               beginning:               to               develop               a               modern               transit               system               for               Washington,               DC,               including               Metrorail               service               akin               to               London's               Underground,               Paris'               Metro,               Tokyo               Metro,               New               York               City's               MTA,               Philadelphia's               SEPTA,               Boston's               MBTA               ("T")               and               Chicago's               CTA               ("L").

Given               the               fact               that               this               public               transit               system               would               be               established               in               the               Nation's               Capital,               the               pressure               was               on               to               make               it               safe,               efficient               and               pristine.

WMATA               continues               to               advance               this               mission               to               this               day.
               When               Metrorail               Opened,               Everything               Changed
               On               a               cold               day               in               March               1976,               six               years,               three               months               and               23               days               after               the               initial               groundbreaking,               according               to               WMATA,               Metrorail               has               its               sparkling,               opening               day.

More               than               51,000               persons               rode               for               free               over               the               4.2               miles               of               Metro's               Phase               1               project.

Five               stations               opened               for               business               on               Red               Line,               spanning               Rhode               Island               Avenue               to               Farragut               North               in               the               downtown               section               of               Northwest               Washington,               DC.
               A               few               month's               after               Metro's               opening,               I               came               to               live               in               Washington,               DC               as               a               college               student.

I               interned               summers               on               Capitol               Hill               like               everyone               else               and               so               enjoyed               the               long,               leisurely               bus               ride               across               the               city.

It               was               a               great               trip               for               reading               books               and               newspapers,               people               watching               or               just               sightseeing.

The               G-2               took               its               time               along               the               wonderful,               historic               streets               of               Georgetown's               West               and               East               Villages               on               its               way               to               Capitol               Hill.

On               the               way               home,               the               D-2               or               D-4               buses               would               carry               its               passengers               back               to               the               halls               of               academia               and               student               life.

Over               time,               public               transit               officials               changed               all               the               bus               routes               and               before               we               knew               it,               Georgetown               buses               were               rerouted               to               drop               passengers               at               the               Dupont               Circle               Metro               Station.

Life               as               we               knew               it               would               never               be               the               same.

But,               we               adjusted               and               came               to               love               Metrorail               just               as               much               as               the               buses               that               used               to               deliver               us               from               one               DC               neighborhood               to               the               next.
               Getting               Acquainted               with               DC               Metrorail
               In               the               old               days,               DC               public               transit               riders               threw               coins               into               a               bucket               to               access               Metrorail.

Later,               the               DC               Metrorail               Farecard               system               was               developed               to               facilitate               the               growing               crowds               of               commuters               who               were               routed               to               Metro               station               stops               all               over               the               city.

Farecards               hold               anywhere               from               $1.60               to               $45,               according               to               WMATA,               and               can               be               bought               at               the               stations               or               online.

Farecards               are               easy               to               use               and               keep               in               your               pocket.

When               the               need               arises,               you               can               add               more               value               to               them               before               departing               a               Metro               station.
               More               and               more               computers               are               purchasing               SmarTrip®               cards               which               can               save               regular               transit               customers               time               and               money.

Metrorail               also               has               $9               one-day               passes               for               sale               which               can               be               quite               handy               on               weekends               and               holidays               when               friends               and               family               visit               and               want               to               check               out               the               latest               Washington,               DC               attractions.
               DC               Metrorail               Today
               No               longer               25               miles               or               5               transit               station               stops               long,               Metrorail               has               joined               the               likes               of               other               transit               systems               around               the               world               carrying               residents               and               visitors               all               over               the               Nation's               Capital               for               business               and               pleasure.

Over               Inauguration               Weekend               in               2009,               WMATA               reports               that               Metrorail               operated               60               hours               of               passenger               service               as               riders               took               about               2.6               million               trips               on               DC's               underground               marvel.

On               Sunday               of               that               same               weekend,               riders               to               616,324               trips               on               Metrorail,               making               it               the               busiest               Sunday               in               Metro               history.

On               Tuesday,               Inauguration               Day               2009,               Metro               ridership               1.12               million               trips.
               Today,               Metrorail               is               a               $782.8               million               transit               system,               carrying               more               than               800,000               passengers,               on               average,               each               and               everyday.

Nearly               35,000               people               get               on               and               off               the               trains               at               Union               Station,               its               busiest,               each               day.

With               more               than               588               escalators,               236               elevators,               850               railcars               during               peak               service,               and               thousands               of               passengers,               Washington               DC               metro               region's               Metrorail               is               a               world-class               transit               system               intent               on               making               transportation               in               and               around               the               Nation's               Capital               a               little               bit               easier               each               day.
               Washington               Metropolitan               Area               Transit               Authority               
               DC               Rails               Station               Finder               
               Washington,               DC               in               Urban               Rail               Net               
               Union               Station               

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